Made for SG

Boost your team's productivity while giving your clients a 10x better experience

We make it easy to manage client info, analyse their financial needs, store policy information, check for coverage gaps, and share insights with your clients.

How it works:
  • Create a profile & financial plan for your clients
  • Share the plan with clients to review
  • Recommend products based on gaps

No credit card required
Here are some numbers:
If we take the average of...
120 clients
per financial advisor
per comprehensive report
3 months
spent in total
That seems like a huge loss


Learn how Kopi Budget
can help your clients

Create a life roadmap
Map out events like retirement, children's university, first condo and share this plan. Work with clients to map out their financial goals and what it takes to get there.
Help your clients grow their wealth
Show them opportunities and risk factors to give an understandble roadmap. This includes debts, savings, investments, insurance, income, expenses, taxes and CPF contributions.
Analyse and Cover
Look for coverage gaps and recommend products to cover these gaps
Answer questions like:
- If I am unable to work at 45, what happens?
- How much can I leave for my kids?
- When is the earliest I can retire?
No additional research required
Don't be bogged down by research.
It is a hassle to keep up with local regulations and difficult to explain with nuance.
Automatically account for:
- Tax on income
- CPF contributions
- Stamp duty on property
- Medisave coverage

Show, don't tell

Show them a detailed roadmap and win their trust for life. It's time to start planning.